Here is all our knowledge.
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Knowledge index:

▶ Paid priority support
     ▶ Click here to reach us in case of an emergency situation

▶ myVesta
     ▶ How to start failed service
     ▶ VestaCP plugins are now FREE
     ▶ How to change default myVesta port after installation
     ▶ Increasing system limits
     ▶ Multiple IPs under the same myVesta system?
     ▶ How to donate to this open-source project
     ▶ How to prevent services timeout
     ▶ How to regenerate disk usage statistics
     ▶ myVesta Logo
     ▶ How to stop and disable some unnecessary services
     ▶ Can I use File Manager in myVesta?
     ▶ myVesta can't login after install
     ▶ Command for restarting myVesta hosting panel
     ▶ Why Debian?
     ▶ Is myVesta safe for professional hosting?
     ▶ Purpose of myVesta secret URL
     ▶ Change admin password from SSH
     ▶ Can not login to admin [blank page]
     ▶ Proper way to change server hostname
     ▶ Error: myVesta update failed
     ▶ Why myVesta supports only Debian
     ▶ Why I made myVesta and not joined HestiaCP
     ▶ How to see, set, change or delete secret-URL of hosting panel

▶ Installation
     ▶ Does myvesta support debian arm64?
     ▶ MySQL 8 repo not available for Bookworm yet
     ▶ Debian 11 install error: /sbin/iptables-save: No such file or director
     ▶ Error: Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n]
     ▶ curl not found
     ▶ Recommended disk setup?
     ▶ RAM usage of all services
     ▶ Domain or subdomain for server hostname?
     ▶ myVesta Installation Script Generator
     ▶ What is the easiest way to migrate from VestaCP to myVesta
     ▶ RAM usage of myVesta services
     ▶ Minimum hardware requirements
     ▶ Available options during install

▶ Update
     ▶ How to downgrade myVesta to old design?
     ▶ Upgrade Debian 11 to 12
     ▶ Upgrade Debian 10 to 11
     ▶ Upgrade Debian 8 to 9
     ▶ Upgrade Debian 9 to 10
     ▶ How to properly update system with myVesta
     ▶ dpkg frontend lock

▶ Web
     ▶ Web templates
          ▶ Apache templates
               ▶ The web server config file was rewritten!
               ▶ How to add RewriteRules to Apache configuration files instead in the .htaccess file
               ▶ Why you shouldn't create an alias for the primary domain if you just need redirection
               ▶ How to properly redirect one domain to another
               ▶ Force www or non-www website URL redirection
               ▶ What is PHP-FPM-XX-public template

          ▶ nginx templates
               ▶ How to create a custom nginx template
               ▶ Fixing CORS on nginx
               ▶ How can we change the font cross policy?
               ▶ How to make SSL cert file readable for NodeJS
               ▶ Your .env file is available in public - how to prevent this
               ▶ How to make a copy of nodejs-nginx-template with another port
               ▶ How to serve some file types from Apache instead from nginx
               ▶ NodeJS nginx templates
               ▶ Struggled with Moodle (Nginx)
               ▶ Explaination of nginx (proxy) templates
               ▶ WordPress permalinks is not working in Apache-less myVesta
               ▶ How to install rate-limit nginx templates
               ▶ Reverse proxy to another IP
               ▶ Images are not displayed on my site

          ▶ Should we change template to hostname virtualhost?

     ▶ Webmail
          ▶ How to change default webmail URL
          ▶ How to install new Roundcube 1.6.x
          ▶ Webmail and phpmyadmin are not working on my site

     ▶ phpMyAdmin
          ▶ Warning in ./libraries/sql.lib.php#613 count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
          ▶ Can I stop phpmyadmin from being accessed by IP address?
          ▶ What are PHPmyadmin credentials
          ▶ How can I change phpmyadmin URL link on myVesta?
          ▶ Blank page on phpmyadmin
          ▶ How do I set SUPER privilege for a user? phpmyadmin error "1044 - Access denied for user"
          ▶ Webmail and phpmyadmin are not working on my site

     ▶ PHP
          ▶ How to increase the PHP memory_limit
          ▶ Setting up Laravel in myVesta
          ▶ How to install and configure the connection to mssql in php8.2?
          ▶ Drop php.ini variable (disable_functions) to fpm pool.d conf level
          ▶ Error: Zlib error -2 deflating data ((null))
          ▶ How to set short_open_tag=On
          ▶ Running wp-cli with specific PHP version
          ▶ How to check if some site filled all PHP-FPM slots or reached request_terminate_timeout
          ▶ Change PHP timezone for desired domain
          ▶ Widening open_basedir
          ▶ How to to run PHP script every hour (how to add php to cron)
          ▶ Apache-less variant - PHP-FPM Upgrade from PHP 7.3 to PHP 8.1
          ▶ PHP-FPM slow log - what is this and how is it used
          ▶ How to redirect website from HTTP to HTTPS only with PHP
          ▶ How to install ioncube on separate PHP-FPM
          ▶ PHP error log is empty - how to prevent this
          ▶ Inspecting PHP error log - cause of Internal Server Error (5xx) because of limitation in PHP values
          ▶ Required GMP PHP Extension
          ▶ How to restart all PHP-FPM versions at once
          ▶ How to see PHP files that are recently uploaded/modified on some domain
          ▶ How to change the PHP version for PHP scripts running with CRON
          ▶ How to enable pcntl_fork
          ▶ Error from PHP log: Invalid command 'php_flag'
          ▶ PHP 7.x FPM Update ERROR
          ▶ Re: How to change default php-cli version
          ▶ .user.ini
          ▶ Apache-less variant with PHP 7.4 or greater
          ▶ Where php.ini is located
          ▶ How to install multi PHP versions

     ▶ SSL
          ▶ Let's Encrypt certificate does not work on Android 9 and 11
          ▶ Let's Encrypt - DST Root CA X3 expiration (September 2021)
          ▶ Error code: 15 Let's Encrypt Support
          ▶ Error: Let's Encrypt validation status 400
          ▶ Disable TLS1.1 is a good idea ?
          ▶ domain failed 7 times for LetsEncrypt renewing, skipping
          ▶ CloudFlare SSL with self-signed SSL
          ▶ SSL support for SMTP and IMAP for
          ▶ How to install SSL certificate to myVesta, Exim and dovecot daemons

     ▶ How to put HTTP authentication to some site or folder
     ▶ Set Restart-Timeout for Apache2
     ▶ The .htaccess URL rewrite is not functioning properly for images
     ▶ Directory Listings
     ▶ Create Symbolic link using v-move-folder-and-make-symlink command
     ▶ How to point webroot to another folder (instead of public_html)
     ▶ How to list only requests that have been processed by Apache/PHP
     ▶ Correcting ownership and permissions after uploading files as root
     ▶ How to suspend website using SSH
     ▶ If you are making symlink of some web folder
     ▶ NAT or public IP Address
     ▶ How to increase the upload size on myVesta CP

▶ Mail
     ▶ Anti-spam
          ▶ How to install rspamd?
          ▶ Spamhaus & Spamcop in SpamAssassin
          ▶ How to whitelist domain in spamassassin
          ▶ How to add Barracuda RBL check
          ▶ Just add [SPAM] in Subject and not move mails to Spam folder

     ▶ Roundcube
          ▶ Request Check Failed: For your protection, access to this resource is secured against CSRF
          ▶ Roundcube Filters plugin

     ▶ Setup authenticated SMTP users to send emails from second IPv4
     ▶ How to empty all Trash and Spam folders
     ▶ How to sort email accounts by their size
     ▶ How to log who and when deleted some email (dovecot)
     ▶ How to move email folder to another disk
     ▶ Error: 550 is _my_ address
     ▶ Resolving dovecot indexing issue due to large inbox
     ▶ Helo name contains a ip address (HELO was $something) and not is valid
     ▶ How to open custom SMTP port in Exim4 on myVesta
     ▶ Warning: fgets(): SSL: Connection reset by peer
     ▶ How to get list of all emails sent from specific email address
     ▶ How to approve email relay
     ▶ How to clean exim4 sending queue
     ▶ The website is infected and continuously sending spam emails - how can it be stopped
     ▶ How to inspect if some website is sending spam emails
     ▶ How to sync/migrate emails using IMAPSync
     ▶ The various types of email issues and how to inspect/fix them
     ▶ How to disable local_delivery and keep domain in MAIL section for domains that is not hosting emails on our server
     ▶ Error: Helo name contains a ip address (HELO was and not is valid / Access denied - Invalid HELO name
     ▶ How to inspect incoming email issues
     ▶ How to block email address or domain
     ▶ exim paniclog /var/log/exim4/paniclog has non-zero size, mail system might be broken.
     ▶ How to ignore email or domain in fail2ban
     ▶ Apply hostname SSL from other domain (and make it hostname)
     ▶ Roundcube Filters plugin
     ▶ How to remove a limit of max 15 recipients per email
     ▶ How to set some domain to send emails from another IP
     ▶ SSL support for SMTP and IMAP for
     ▶ Limit of sent emails

▶ DB
     ▶ Debian 11: Upgrade Mariadb 10.5 to 10.11
     ▶ How to Prevent MySQL from Crashing Due to OOM Killer
     ▶ Error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s)
     ▶ PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Error: Too many active concurrent transactions
     ▶ Replacing string in custom CMS database
     ▶ Cronjob that checks if MariaDB/MySQL is not killed by OOM Killer
     ▶ Remote access to MySQL ?
     ▶ Debian10: Upgrade MariaDB 10.3 to 10.5
     ▶ Error: Unknown collation while importing SQL dump file
     ▶ Error: Can't init tc log
     ▶ How to export SQL dump file of database via SSH
     ▶ Error: MariaDB is down, and in /var/log/mysql/error.log we see: [ERROR] Can't init tc log
     ▶ How to import SQL dump file to database via SSH
     ▶ Error: Row size too large (> 8126)
     ▶ Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
     ▶ How to install myVesta with MySQL 8
     ▶ mariadb.conf tweak for 4 / 8 GB RAM
     ▶ mariadb.conf tweak for 32 GB RAM or more
     ▶ 2006 MySQL server has gone away
     ▶ mariadb.conf tweak for 16 GB RAM
     ▶ Database size?

     ▶ Zone-file for a domain stops working (SRV records format?)
     ▶ Import DNS records from myVesta to CloudFlare
     ▶ How to setup cPanel Zone Editor in case that you move domain and/or emails to myVesta
     ▶ How to find what is the server that hosts emails for some domain
     ▶ How to conduct DNS lookup over domain to find on which server is hosted
     ▶ How to conduct reverse DNS lookup
     ▶ db permission denied
     ▶ Different nameserver IPs and proper setup
     ▶ Name servers software versions are exposed
     ▶ PTR record?
     ▶ Where is DNS zone file
     ▶ DNS cluster is not working

     ▶ How to install FTP?
     ▶ Chroot SFTP? How to limit users only to their home folder and sub folder
     ▶ FTP over TLS

▶ Backup
     ▶ Using rclone to transfer backups to Google Drive
     ▶ Add multiple emails to receive backup notifications
     ▶ How to restore database backup from /baze folder
     ▶ config file for backups
     ▶ How to run server backup in anytime
     ▶ Backups consumes double the size of the account?
     ▶ How to allow backup process only during the night?
     ▶ Backup Vesta to Backblaze B2
     ▶ Limiting number of remote backups
     ▶ How to make remote backup?
     ▶ How to turn off email notification of Full Backup Report

▶ Softaculous
     ▶ How to install Softaculous

▶ ClamAV
     ▶ malware scan
     ▶ How to install ClamAV on MyVesta
     ▶ clamav-daemon service failed

▶ Firewall
     ▶ How to allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic coming ONLY from CloudFlare
     ▶ Configure fail2ban for phpmyadmin and roundcube
     ▶ Configure fail2ban for proftpd
     ▶ How to relax fail2ban rules
     ▶ How to check if some user has wrong password in mail client application
     ▶ How to fastly add a new firewall rule through ssh
     ▶ It is possible somehow to add mass ip list to banned list
     ▶ How to whitelist some IP in fail2ban
     ▶ How to check if fail2ban banned some IP
     ▶ Custom firewall script [SOLVED]
     ▶ How to ignore email or domain in fail2ban
     ▶ Firewall is blocking my IP, blocking emails receiving
     ▶ How to setup csf firewall?
     ▶ Iptables always shows Uptime: 0 minutes

▶ Bash
     ▶ CLI
          ▶ How to list all website domains and subdomains on server
          ▶ CLI Commands

     ▶ Script for checking inactive Services
     ▶ How to enable SSH for a specific user account using a public key instead of a password
     ▶ Script for obtaining an overview of all users and their corresponding domains, along with DNS data
     ▶ Allow password-based SSH login for root
     ▶ How to allow SSH for your myVesta admin account
     ▶ How to suspend website using SSH
     ▶ Moving domains and databases from one account to another
     ▶ How to replace old domain to new domain in WordPress database
     ▶ How to suspend only domain (WEB) without suspending MAIL and DNS services
     ▶ How to find on which user account is some domain hosted
     ▶ Automatic WordPress installing (v-install-wordpress)
     ▶ Cloning website, making staging copy (v-clone-website)
     ▶ How to migrate WordPress to https (v-migrate-site-to-https)
     ▶ v- commands not found

     ▶ Why API is not working?

▶ Optimizations
     ▶ Need Optimization suggestions for a new server

▶ Migrations
     ▶ How to manually migrate a WordPress site to myVesta Hosting Panel
     ▶ Complete Guide: Migrating from another hosting panel to myVesta
     ▶ How to copy/move mails from cPanel to myVesta
     ▶ Proper way to change server IP
     ▶ How to import cPanel backup to myVesta server
     ▶ How to move accounts from one (my)Vesta server to another myVesta server

▶ Other
     ▶ Third-party software
          ▶ WordPress
               ▶ WordPress + WebP (WP Smush & Converter for Media – Optimize images | Convert WebP & AVIF)
               ▶ How to use v-lock-wordpress
               ▶ How to install and activate Redis for WordPress
               ▶ How to setup blazing fast WordPress using myVesta + rocket-nginx + WP Rocket caching plugin
               ▶ How to edit or create admin account on WordPress website using WP-CLI
               ▶ Guide for configuring WordPress Multisite
               ▶ WordPress - fast installation
               ▶ Making WordPress faster using memcached and W3TC caching plugin

          ▶ How to install pm2 on Debian
          ▶ How to install and configure Node.js on Debian
          ▶ WHMCS is not working

     ▶ Virtualization
          ▶ How to install Docker on Debian

     ▶ Elastic Search: failed to create query: field expansion matches too many fields, limit: 1024, got: 1399
     ▶ rrd script for UPS

▶ Linux tutorials
     ▶ Security
          ▶ Spotting Infected Domains: Identifying Sites Sending Flood/DOS Requests
          ▶ You suspect a website is under attack or infected and your server is slowing down: How to inspect the problem
          ▶ How to inspect myVesta login password changes for particular user accounts
          ▶ How to spot http flood on server
          ▶ How to see PHP files that are recently uploaded/modified on some domain

     ▶ Linux services
          ▶ How to install Java on Debian
          ▶ How to install memcached on Debian
          ▶ How to install supervisor on Debian
          ▶ How to install ElasticSearch 7 and 8 on Debian
          ▶ How to install Redis on Debian

     ▶ How to find the largest files/folders on the server
     ▶ How to assign a static IP to a Linux machine on a local network
     ▶ Initial Server Setup ( by
     ▶ How to set up a swap space on an existing Debian server
     ▶ How to change TimeoutStartSec on Debian
     ▶ [RAID FAIL] How to restore RAID for certain disk on Linux server
     ▶ How to format log output to make it more readable
     ▶ How to find a folder which consumes a large amount of memory
     ▶ How to check the application listening ports
     ▶ How to fast check some archived log file
     ▶ How to make custom logrotate script
     ▶ How to set timezone on your server
     ▶ cgroups and (my)Vesta
     ▶ How to Install Composer
     ▶ How to add Login Alert Notification Debian 10/11